Future Simple Tense

The Simple Future используется для того, чтобы сказать о:

• Будущих действиях или будущих состояних (не планах)

• Обещаниях или намерениях

Обратите внимание, что «will» обычно не используют, когда говорят о планах на будущее. Для этого используют конструкцию «going to» или Present Progressive


Tomorrow morning we are going to visit grandma.


Tomorrow morning we are visiting grandma.


Будущие действиях или состояния (не планы)

Next week she will be five years old.

The drink will chill soon.

I hope they will have a happy family.

He will probably hit that ball.

He will not survive in space without air.

She will not finish soon.


Обещания или намерения

I will clean my room later.

I will win this game!

Yes, I will come!

Sure, I will help you.

Will you go out with me?

He will not do it.


Типичные слова, с которыми употребляется



Next week



In the future

Построение конструкции

Повествовательное предложение

Positive Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого Пример
I will  verb    I will send the letter tomorrow. 
He/She/It    He will send the letter tomorrow. 
   She will send the letter tomorrow. 

   It will rain tomorrow. 
You    You will send the letter tomorrow. 
We    We will send the letter tomorrow. 
They    They will send the letter tomorrow. 


Отрицательное предложение
Negative Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого  
I will  not  verb
won't  verb
   I will not send the letter tomorrow.
   I won't send the letter tomorrow.
He/She/It    He will not send the letter tomorrow.
   I won't send the letter tomorrow.

   She will not send the letter tomorrow.
   She won't send the letter tomorrow.

   It will not rain tomorrow.
   It won't rain tomorrow.
You    You will not send the letter tomorrow.
   You won't send the letter tomorrow.
We    We will not send the letter tomorrow.
   We won't send the letter tomorrow.
They    They will not send the letter tomorrow.
   They won't send the letter tomorrow.


Вопросительное предложение

Question Sentences

Первая часть сказуемого Подлежащее Вторая часть сказуемого Пример
Will I verb  Will I send the letter tomorrow?
he/she/it  Will he send the letter tomorrow?
 Will she send the letter tomorrow?

 Will it rain tomorrow?
you  Will you send the letter tomorrow?
we  Will we send the letter tomorrow?
they  Will they send the letter tomorrow?


Simple Future примеры предложений

Будущие действиях или состояния (не планы)

They will dance all night long.

Next month he will be ten years old.

How old will he be next month?

It will be very cold in the winter.

This winter will not be so cold.

I hope you will have a successful trip.

I hope you will not be disappointed.

He won't be late again.

What time will he arrive?

She will be very happy when she finds out.

We will eat in ten minutes.

You will see him in a minute.

I believe it will be a very nice party.

Обещания или намерения


I will always help you.

We will win this match!

I will drop by later.

Will you come with us?

We will stay for dinner.

I won't give up.

I will do it tomorrow.

I will fix the car as soon as I can.

We won't tell anyone about it.


Simple Future Story 1

Who is she? What will she do?
What is going to happen?

On Saturday, Katie will be one year old. Katie's parents are going to have a birthday party. The party is going to begin at noon on Saturday. Many people will be at the party. Katie will have so much fun!

Katie's dad is going to cook hamburgers. Katie's grandmother is going to bring ice cream. Katie's aunt is going to bake a cake. It will be a chocolate cake. Katie will love her cake!

All of Katie's relatives will bring presents. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch. Then, everyone will eat cake and ice cream. Katie is going to have a good first birthday!


Simple Future Story 2

Who is she? What will she do?
What is going to happen?

This weekend, Erica is going to compete in a tennis tournament. She will practice hard all week because she wants to win the tournament. The winner will receive $1,000. Erica hopes she will get first place!

Erica's husband is going to travel to the tournament with Erica. He will watch her compete. He will sit in the stands and cheer for Erica. He is going to be proud of Erica even if she does not win first place.

Erica's parents are not going to travel to the tournament. They will watch the tournament on television. They will cheer for Erica at home. They are going to be proud of Erica whether she wins or loses.


Simple Future Story 3

Who is he? Where is he going? What will happen?

Brent is an American astronaut. Today, he will travel into outer space. At noon, his space shuttle is going to launch into space. Brent and the other astronauts are going to travel to the International Space Station. They will stay in space for almost 6 months.

The crew is going to continue research at the space station. They will do some experiments. They will record their data. They are also going to make some repairs on the space station.

Brent will learn a lot in space. He is going to make videos of his time on the space station. His family will watch the videos on the internet. They will see what Brent is doing in space.


Simple Future Story 4

What is it? What is going to happen?

There is going to be a wedding today. At 4 o'clock this afternoon, Megan Smith and Mark Jones are going to get married. After today, they will be Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jones.

It is going to be a huge celebration. Everyone will be there! They are going to serve dinner and dessert. The best man will give a speech. Then everyone will dance. The dance will last until midnight.

The day after the wedding, Megan and Mark are going to leave for their honeymoon. They are going to travel to Hawaii. They are going to stay there for 7 days.
They will have a good time in Hawaii!

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