Future Progressive Continuous Tense

The Future Progressive показывает, что действие будет в процессе в определенный момент или в какой-то период времени в будущем.




• Tomorrow at 8 o'clock James will be cleaning the house.

• James will be cleaning the house all morning.



Future Progressive часто используется вместе с  Simple Present




• James will be cleaning the house when I arrive



Действие будет и процессе в определенный момент или в какой-то период времени в будущем.


She will be singing all night.

We will be doing business next year.

He will be driving for a while.

An hour from now he will be lying in a hospital.

At ten o'clock tonight she will be meeting her boyfriend.

He will be shouting until he gets tired.

When he comes, she will be waiting.

She will be walking confidently when she returns.

Janet will be talking, and Emily will be listening to every word.



Типичные слова, с которыми употребляется

  • Tomorrow

  • At 5 o'clock

  • Next month

  • All afternoon

  • All night


Построение конструкции

Повествовательное предложение

Positive Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого Пример
I will  be  Participle(I)    I will be cleaning the house.
He/She/It    He will be cleaning the house.
   She will be cleaning the house.
   It will be raining tomorrow.
You    You will be cleaning the house.
We    We will be cleaning the house.
They    They will be cleaning the house.


Отрицательное предложение

Negative Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого Пример
I will  not  be  Participle(I)
 won't  be  Participle(I)
   I will not be cleaning the house.
   I won't be cleaning the house.
He/She/It    He will not be cleaning the house.
   He won't be cleaning the house.

   She will not be cleaning the house.
   She won't be cleaning the house.

   It will not be raining tomorrow
   It won't be raining tomorrow.
You    You will not be cleaning the house.
   You won't be cleaning the house.
We    We will not be cleaning the house.
   We won't be cleaning the house.
They    They will not be cleaning the house.
   They won't be cleaning the house.


Вопросительное предложение

Question Sentences

Первая часть сказуемого Подлежащее Вторая часть сказуемого Пример
Will I be  Participle(I)   Will I be cleaning the house?
he/she/it   Will he be cleaning the house?
  Will she be cleaning the house?
  Will it be raining tomorrow?
you   Will you be cleaning the house?
we   Will we be cleaning the house?
they   Will they be cleaning the house?


Future Progressive примеры предложений

Действие будет в процессе в определенный момент или в какой-то период времени в будущем.


They will be dancing all night long!

What will they be doing all night long?

We will be working quite closely.

This guy will be sleeping when you find him.

Tomorrow at three o'clock Josh will be cooking.

It will be raining the entire week.

He will be running until he's too tired to move.

When will he be running until?

When you come, I will be waiting.

Where will you be waiting?

I will be watching TV when you call this evening.

When we arrive at their house tonight, they will be waiting.

I will be working all night in the restaurant, so please take care of the kids.

Future Progressive Story 1

Who are they? What will they be doing?
What will be happening?

Brad likes to fish. He fishes whenever he can. This weekend, he will be fishing at the lake. It is his favorite place to fish.

Mark is Brad's friend. Mark likes to fish too. He also fishes whenever he can. This weekend he will be fishing at the lake with Brad. They will be camping at the lake all weekend.

Mark will be picking Brad up at 8 o'clock Friday night. Brad will be ready when Mark arrives. They will be driving all night before they get to the lake.
They are excited about the weekend. Brad and Mark both love to fish. They love to fish together. They will be fishing together for many years!


Future Progressive Story 2

Who are they? What are they going to be doing?
What will be happening?

Today, there is going to be a parade. At the beginning of the parade, the mayor is going to be driving by in his carriage. The horse will be pulling the carriage and the mayor will be waving to the crowd. The crowd will be waving when the mayor passes by.

Timothy and his grandfather will be standing in front of the store when the mayor passes them. Timothy and his grandfather are going to be watching and waving. Everyone is going to be having a good time at the parade.


Future Progressive Story 3

Who are they? What are they going to be doing?
What will be happening?

Sir Thomas is going to be arriving at 3 o'clock today. When Sir Thomas arrives, the servants will be waiting. Young Charlie will also be waiting at the door.

When Sir Thomas walks into the house, most of the servants are going to be bowing. One servant will be parking the car. Others are going to be preparing dinner. Charlie is going to be carrying Sir Thomas's suitcase into the house.


Future Progressive Story 4

What is it? Where will it be going?
What is going to be happening?

Tomorrow afternoon, the ship will be sailing to Antarctica. The sailors are going to be working very hard when the ship sails. Some sailors will be pulling ropes on the sails. Others are going to be watching for icebergs. The captain is going to be navigating the ship while it is sailing.

When the ship arrives at its destination, some sailors are going to be resting. Others will be making repairs to the ship. The captain is going to be exploring the land. His assistant will be drawing a map of the land.

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