Future Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect это конструкция, которая показывает, что действие будет завершено перед каким-то моментом. То есть это описание законченного действия с точки зрения будущего.

PERFECT здесь означает - законченный, завершенный, оконченный, совершённый.

Эту конструкцию используют, когда хотят сказать о:

• Действии, которое произойдет перед другим действием в будущем

• Действии, которое произойдет до определенного времени в будущем

• Состоянии, которое будет продолжаться до определенного времени в будущем Примечание: это более широкое использование этой конструкции.
Она обычно используется с состояниями, а не с действиями.

The Past Perfect часто используется вместе с Simple Past.

Jake will have passed his exams before he gets his degree.

Действие, которое ближе к настоящему, стоит в Perfect Past, и действие, которое было после него, стоит в Simple Past


Действия, которые произойдут перед другими действиями в будущем

He will have prepared by the time he leaves the house.

He will have played before the season ends.

His wife will have made dinner by the time he returns.

By the time he leaves the bar, he will have drunk a lot.

He will have destroyed the book before his parents arrive.

He will have ruined her ears by the time they get home.



Действия, которые произойдут до определенного времени в будущем


He will have returned home by 6 o'clock.

By midnight, they will have partied like crazy.

By tomorrow, he will have slept well.

All his teeth will have come in by next year.


Состояния, которые будут продолжаться до определенного времени в будущем

Примечание: это более широкое использование этой конструкции.
Она обычно используется с состояниями, а не с действиями.

Tomorrow he will have been sick for 2 weeks.

Next week she will have already lived 6 months in the country.

He will have worked for us for 10 years next August.



Типичные слова, с которыми употребляется

  • By the time
  • At this time tomorrow
  • By next week

Построение конструкции

Повествовательное предложение

Positive Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого Пример
I will have Participle(II)    By next week, I will have paid the rent.
He/She/It    By next week, he will have paid the rent.
   By next week, she will have paid the rent.

   By next week, it will have rained.
You    By next week, you will have paid the rent.
We    By next week, we will have paid the rent.
They    By next week, they will have paid the rent.


Отрицательное предложение
Negative Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого Пример
I will not have Participle(II)    By next week,I will have not paid the rent.
He/She/It    By next week,he will have not paid the rent.
   By next week,she will have not paid the rent.
   By next week,it will have not rained.
You    By next week,you will have not paid the rent.
We    By next week,we will have not paid the rent.
They    By next week,they will have not paid the rent.


Вопросительное предложение
Negative Sentences

Первая часть сказуемого Подлежащее Вторая часть сказуемого Пример
Will I have Participle(II)  By next week,will I have paid the rent?
he/she/it  By next week,will he have paid the rent?
 By next week,will she have paid the rent?

 By next week,will it have rained?
you  By next week,will you have paid the rent?
we  By next week,will we have paid the rent?
they  By next week,will they have paid the rent?


Future Perfect примеры предложений

Действия, которые произойдут перед другими действиями в будущем


Jack will have finished his homework by the time his mother gets home.

She will have gotten ready by the time they leave the house.

Laura will have cleaned out the apartment before she gives back the key.

By the time I get home, Zoe will have cooked dinner for both of us.

The robbers will have taken all the money by the time anyone arrives.


Действия, которые произойдут до определенного времени в будущем

By the time he graduates, he will have completed five years of study.

The snow will have stopped by April.

We will have returned home by five o'clock.

By tomorrow, their life will have changed completely.

We are on vacation. So by the time we get back, we will have rested and relaxed.

Her heel will have fully healed by the summer.

By next month, you will have received your promotion.

By the time he wakes up, we will have prepared lunch for everyone.


Состояния, которые будут продолжаться до определенного времени в будущем

Примечание: это более широкое использование этой конструкции.
Она обычно используется с состояниями, а не с действиями.


Next Monday we will have been married for ten years.

Tomorrow Justin will have been single for a whole week.

In September I will have lived here for eight years.

Luke will have been sick for two weeks tomorrow.

Next week you will have had this car for twenty five years!


Future Perfect Story 1

Who is he? What will he have done?
What will have happened?

Mr. Jones is a farmer. He owns a big farm. He plants crops in his fields in the spring. By the time he finishes planting this spring, he will have planted 10 acres of crops. He is going to have planted many crops.

Mr. Jones must finish planting before it starts to rain. He is working hard. At this rate, he will have finished planting before it rains. Mr. Jones and his horse will have worked many long hours by the time they finish tonight.


Future Perfect Story 2

Who are they? What will they have done?
What is going to have happened?

Tyler and William are paddling their canoe down the river. They are traveling a long distance through trees and canyons. They will have paddled for many miles by the time they arrive at their destination. They are going to have been gone for 2 weeks by the time they finish their trip.

They are going to have seen many sights by the time their trip is completed. They probably will have seen many wild animals. They will have eaten many fish. They will not have seen many other people by the end of their trip.


Future Perfect Story 3

Who are they? What will they have done?
What is going to have happened?

Brett is in the army. Tomorrow, he will leave home to join his troops overseas for 18 months. He will have trained for 8 months by the time he leaves. He will have worked very hard by the time he comes home.

By the time he returns, he is going to have been gone for 18 months. His wife will have worried about him all that time. They will have written many letters by the time he comes home. She will be happy when he returns safely.


Future Perfect Story 4

Who are they? What will they have done?
What is going to have happened?

John works in an automobile factory. He works on the assembly line assembling cars. He works many hours every day. By the time he finishes working today, he is going to have worked 10 hours. He will have assembled over 50 cars.

Chris also works on the assembly line in the automobile factory. In December, he will have worked there for 5 years. By the time he finishes working today, he is going to have worked over 8 hours.
He will have assembled about 40 cars today.

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