Past Progressive Continuous Tense

The Past Progressive показывает, что действие происходило в определенный момент или в какой-то период времени в прошлом.


  • Yesterday at 7 o'clock Judi was washing the dishes.
  • Judi was washing the dishes the entire evening.
  • Past Progressive часто употребляется с Simple Past




  • While Judi was washing the dishes the phone rang.


Он применяется, когда хотят сказать о:

Действиях, которые происходили в определенный момент или в какой-то период времени в прошлом

Раздражающих повторяющихся действиях в прошлом


Действие происходило в определенный момент или в какой-то период времени в прошлом.

He was flying all day.

Yesterday morning the kids were playing.

He was sitting outside for too long.

Last night at 8 o'clock we were dancing.

He was working at 10 o'clock this morning.

While he was jumping, she was watching him.

Dave was hitting the drums and Joe was blowing the trombone.

He was walking when he stumbled and fell.

While they were sleeping, he got into trouble.


Раздражающие повторяющиеся действия в прошлом

He was always resting.

She was always leaving me with all the paperwork.

He was always sleeping on duty.

Типичные слова, с которыми употребляется

  • While

  • As

  • During

  • All afternoon

  • All night


Построение конструкции

Повествовательное предложение

Positive Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого Пример
I was  Participle(I)   I was studying the whole afternoon.
He/She/It   He was studying the whole afternoon.
  She was studying the whole afternoon.

  It was raining the whole afternoon
You were  Participle(I)   You were studying the whole afternoon.
We   We were studying the whole afternoon.
They  They were studying the whole afternoon.


Отрицательное предложение
Negative Sentences

Подлежащее Форма сказуемого Пример
I was  not  Participle(I)
 wasn't  Participle(I)
  I was not studying the whole afternoon.
  I wasn't studying the whole afternoon.
He/She/It   He was not studying the whole afternoon.
  He wasn't studying the whole afternoon.

  She was not studying the whole afternoon.
  She wasn't studying the whole afternoon.

  It was not raining the whole afternoon.
  It wasn't raining the whole afternoon.
You were  not  Participle(I)
 weren't  Participle(I)
  You were not studying the whole afternoon.
  You weren't studying the whole afternoon.
We   We were not studying the whole afternoon.
  We weren't studying the whole afternoon.
They   They were not studying the whole afternoon.
  They weren't studying the whole afternoon.


Вопросительное предложение

Question Sentences

Первая часть сказуемого Подлежащее Вторая часть сказуемого Пример
Was I Participle(I)   Was I studying the whole afternoon?
he/she/it   Was he studying the whole afternoon?
  Was she studying the whole afternoon?

  Was it raining the whole afternoon?
Were you   Were you studying the whole afternoon?
we   Were we studying the whole afternoon?
they   Were they studying the whole afternoon?


Past Progressive примеры предложений

Действие происходило в определенный момент или в какой-то период времени в прошлом.

Yesterday evening we were watching the game so we couldn't come.

He was sleeping all night long.

Were you sleeping all night long?

I wasn't resting, I was working!

Last night at nine o'clock John was washing the dishes.

Why was John washing the dishes?

Last week we were painting the house.

This morning at five o'clock Shannon was taking care of her baby.

Where was Shannon taking care of her baby?

I was studying when the phone rang.

They were eating when their friends showed up.

While the cat was sleeping the mice were eating its food.

We were having a very nice picnic when it started to rain.


Раздражающие повторяющиеся действия в прошлом


My brother was always snoring.

They were always making fun of him.

You were always complaining.

This girl was constantly losing stuff.

He was always bragging.



Past Progressive Story 1

Who was she? Where was she? What was happening?

Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day. Ann was playing inside the house. She wanted to be outside. She wasn't playing outside because it was raining. She was feeling tired of being trapped inside the house.

Ann was trying to keep busy inside the house. She was reading her book until the electricity went out. Then, she decided to practice her sewing. She was practicing sewing until lunchtime. After lunch, she sat by the window and watched the rain.

While Ann was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling to say she was coming home. She was bringing a new game. Ann and her mother ate ice cream and played the game.

While they were playing, the rain stopped! But Ann didn't even notice. She was having such a good time with her mom!


Past Progressive Story 2

Who were they? What were they doing?
What was happening?

One sunny day, Billy and Timmy were delivering a box to Mr. Thompson. The crate was full of glasses. They were carrying the box on a cart. They were taking the glasses to Mr. Thompson's store at the end of the street. They were being very careful with the crate full of glasses.

As they were passing by the school, they saw Jack and Tom. Jack and Tom were playing soccer. Billy and Timmy asked the other boys for help. The four boys steered the cart through the streets. While Billy and Timmy were pulling from the front, Jack and Tom were pushing from behind.

As they were walking, Billy and Timmy were guiding the cart over bumps and holes. They were protecting the glasses. When the four boys arrived at the store, Mr. Thompson was waiting for them. While Mr. Thompson was unloading the glasses, he thanked the boys for their hard work. None of the glasses were broken! The boys were feeling very proud of their hard work.


Past Progressive Story 3

What was he doing? What was happening?

Last night at 7 o'clock, Nate was taking pictures of birds. He was walking through the city park when he saw a fire. An old, empty building near the park was on fire. Nate pulled out his camera.

He was taking pictures of the fire when the fire trucks pulled up. The firefighters jumped out. They hooked up their hoses. While they were fighting the fire, Nate was taking more pictures.

The firefighters were fighting the fire and Nate was taking pictures when the rain started. The rain helped put the fire out. The firefighters were clapping and Nate was cheering. The fire was finally out.


Past Progressive Story 4

Who were they? What were they doing?
What was happening?

Mitch was always driving his motorcycle too fast. Yesterday after work, Mitch was driving his motorcycle home. While everyone else was driving slowly, he was speeding through the streets. He wasn't paying attention and was driving too fast when he saw the police officer.

While the police officer was directing traffic, he saw Mitch speeding down the street. He was waving his arms when Mitch stopped. The police officer wrote him a traffic ticket for speeding. Mitch was not feeling happy when he arrived home.

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